Oct 16 2011

Second partial day of cloth diapering

Second partial day of cloth diapering

Today was MUCH better! I have already made some adjustments and getting on with the learning curve! We even went to church AND Incredible Pizza company all before we made a stop back home! NO change of pants needed (we had 3 changes yesterday)!!!! It was fabulous! His poop is still gross but the poor kid is teething terribly and I believe causing some diarrhea. I have just absolved to deal with stains and try out some tricks my friends have used.

I have definitely decided for those of you that care….Best Bottom diapers are not for us. They have SO much going for them and I was SO excited but they are just not the right fit. He has horrible red marks all over his chubby thighs. Not a plus in my book. So we are still on the search for the “perfect” diaper!

Oh and why the title says PARTIAL day of cloth diapering is because my mom so graciously took the kids OVERNIGHT tonight (first time for taters – 2nd for hammy)! I did not torture her with cloth diapering. I gave her pampers to use:) That’s the least I can do for someone watching my kiddos!

All in all, I am feeling more and more confident in my decision to go cloth. I have felt this as a call to make this change and maybe God has been leading me for one reason or another. Whatever the case, we are making it work!

Oct 15 2011

First Full day of Cloth Diapering!


Ham in his Super Undies - The Blue Bandit!


Abel sporting his AIO Grovia

Backside shot. Not any bulkier than a disposable! Love it!

Well, today was mixed. I know there is a learning curve so I am going into this knowing it will take me a bit to figure it all out. Not that many of you care, but here is how today went.

I used a Grovia All-in-One  (that I bought on craigslist) with an extra microfiber insert for overnight. Abel is not a heavy wetter at night. This worked FLAWLESSLY! He woke up dry – no leaks! His skin wasn’t terribly wet either! Score 1 for cloth diapering!

Then we began our day. I changed him into a Flip diaper with microfiber stay dry insert. I love aplix/velcro!! I forgot to add the flushable liner to catch the poop. So I quickly fixed that but it had been long enough that I needed to change the insert. So reuse of the cover just new insert along with a liner. We finish breakfast and he poops. Here is the first test run! The flushable liner did okay in catching the poop. There was some staining that went through to the insert. I did realize that I had the insert in wrong – it was upside down as in wrong side facing my dude’s bottom. I fixed that for the next change. This was the last insert I had for the Flip. He goes down for a nap and wakes up with no leaks! He was soaked inside the diaper and the cover was wet too but it never made to his clothes or sheets! Another score for CD’ing!

This time I change him into a Best Bottom diaper with Hemp/Organic cotton insert that snaps in.  Love the fact this diaper has snapped in liners. Keeps them from moving around so much not that I have lots of experience or anything. I decide to take the kids out for lunch today. We went to McD’s (in honor of you mom!) to get some chicken nuggets and free french fries. We get those through the drive-thru and I head over to Subway to get MY lunch. This baby LOVES Subway right now. I get my sandwich and we all sit down to eat inside. 1 hour has elapsed. Munchkin has been drinking and drinking quite a bit. He is HEAVY wetter during the day. I predict I will need to change the liner soon. I check him as we leave and he was actually A Okay! We move on to the next stop: Speedway. Yes, I still drink caffeine. It is either drink a very limited amount of this or take meds that 100% will cause defects to baby OR suffer from ridiculous cluster headaches and basically WANT to die my entire pregnancy….I chose caffeine. Anyway, I digress…I grab a quick drink for me and a refill (G2 gatorade) for the kiddos for AFTER playtime at the park. We now get to the park, this took a whopping 15 minutes from checking him at Subway to walking into the park for play time. We played for probably 30 minutes before he ever felt damp. I was super happy! We went to the car and did a quick change out of the insert and I did change his pants because when I carried him, it made them even wetter. I would have preferred to have changed the diaper cover too but didn’t have any others with me. I am just testing the waters here and not investing LOTS of money…yet.  We go back to playing for another 15 minutes or so and head home. Abel downs nearly 2 sippy cups worth of G2 just on the way home! That kid drinks as badly as his brother! (in quantity only). Maybe if I just gave them water things would slow down….but again I digress. We get home and they play outside while I empty out the car (maybe 10 minutes). We get in the house and I start getting things ready for us to go upstairs to have some quiet time resting from the park…his pants are SOAKED. He drank that much that fast! I foresee water in his future…anyway, we go upstairs and I change him into a Grovia 2-in-1 with an organic cotton soaker with flushable liner. He goes through that one in about 30 minutes. I am beside myself! Thank goodness I decided NOT to put pants on him! It is now naptime…I am SUPER afraid of leakage becauce of how much he has been going and how much he has been drinking. I switch to another Grovia 2-in-1 because I have a total of 4 of those with only 4 soakers. (2 of the diaper covers I got on craigslist, the others I bought as a trial). He had some leaking when he woke but mostly up and out the top. I have noticed this a bunch. The tops of some of the diapers just don’t catch it all. I will have to work on this.  He gets changed after wake-up and by this time and I am to my 2nd to last diaper  cover. Another Grovia 2-in-1. I get him changed with liner. I quickly race to my washing machine and get the other diapers going because I need them! All goes much better for the rest of the evening. He drinking slowed down dramatically which of course means less pee. Since that was the case, life was MUCH easier! No more accidents or leakage! Time for bath. I go to strip him down and take off the diaper….boy was I surprised! I seriously had ZERO clue that this little turkey had pooped a 2nd time! It wasn’t a clean poop either. It was a messy, messy, messy diaper. The flushable liner….didn’t really help with this. Sure it caught some of this poop but it was EVERYWHERE. All over the insert, the diaper cover, and him. I get it all cleaned off him and just stash the nasty diaper and insert in my bathroom sink until I can deal with it. I get the kids bathed and ready for stories. I bide some time with a few minutes of a show with singing (Abel’s favorite and ONLY thing that will keep his attention for any amount of time – Ham will watch ANYTHING). I quickly run downstairs and throw my last 2 diapers in the wash. The others I already washed where thankfully dry and ready to use…kinda. The inserts were ready but the cover/shells have to be hung to dry. They were still wet/damp. I still had one more diaper cover upstairs to use and several inserts (3 that are specific for overnight usage). Abel was in my last Grovia 2-in-1 with a Best Bottom overnight insert thrown in (I had no Grovia inserts and no Best Bottom cover, I improvised!) I will let you know how that works out!

I check on my “dirty” laundry and see that the insert that was poop stained is still poop stained (not too bad) but noticeable. Aaron will definitely NOT like that. I feel defeated most of the evening and think CD’ing is not for me but I come across LOTS of people that have staining and letting the insert dry in the SUN will take the stain right out! Hmm. What do I have to lose? Icky but clean insert went into a ziploc with water to keep it wet overnight and tomorrow before church I will be setting it outside to dry on my deck or porch. I shall let you know how that experiment goes.

Recap: Cloth diapering is not for the faint of heart. I despise the very idea of dunking/swishing or even spraying poop off of a diaper. That is why I was so excited about flushable liners! Well, they are a bit of a disappointment with not so solid poop.

You do have to change diapers frequently! But if you read the packages of disposables, you are supposed to change those every 2 hours! I sure didn’t do that!

I think I might look into fleece liners as those are supposed easier to remove poop from and protect baby’s skin and your diaper from staining. They aren’t expensive….plus I can surely find some rogue fleece around here and try it for FREE!

I also think I might go down the road of a pocket diaper. All the ones I have been using are Hybrids. They have the cover with an insert that lays right up next to his skin. They are used primarily for people who buy the disposable insert (not liner). You get to feel good about using a “disposable” diaper but without the environmental impact (inserts are compostable, flushable or just plain tossable and they will break down in about 150 days versus 500 years for regular disposables that have plastic in them (huggies/pampers and the like). Anyway, a pocket diaper has the “shell” or cover and has a pocket (didn’t see that coming, right?) that you stuff with an insert. The cool thing is there is a nice soft liner that touches baby’s skin and wicks away the moisture. You can stuff with WHATEVER you want. You find what works for you and go! It is fairly similar to a disposable diaper routine. You grab a pocket diaper that has been stuffed and put it on baby! Simple as that. Time for a change? Remove pocket diaper, put in wet bag or whatever for laundry, clean up baby if needed, put on new pocket diaper that was stuffed. No switching inserts, wiping out shells/covers, no “airing out” between changes, etc…

Wow this is a really long post. Sorry. I am sure that 99.9% of will care absolutely NOT for this journey I am on but all pregnancies bring on some sort of obsession and this is mine…for the time being.

I started down this road in search of a washable pull-up for Abraham at night only. I needed something that would really keep him dry but not be something I had to go to the store and buy repeatedly. When he was wearing pull-ups, he would wake 1 to 3 times a night and demand a NEW one if it was wet! That was getting VERY expensive. With his Super Undies that we found, he does great. He doesn’t wake often and if he does, he never asks for new undies and should he wake due to the urge to go, he can go without any problems (it isn’t a diaper, they are underwear!). We had such great success with these (after trial and error) that I just know cloth diapering will be awesome, once I get the hang of it. Well, enough of this. I think the boys are just ADORABLE in these cloth diapers/undies!!!

But oh, didn’t we have so much FUN today!!!

Ham at the park

Taters at the park

And just for the record, I was absolutely beat when I finally told the kids we were leaving. I did exercise this morning and then chased after Abel and little bit of Ham the WHOLE time at the park. It was very tiring especially pregnant. And now look at me, it is midnight, I have church in the morning, what am I doing? Posting to my blog! Geez. Good night everyone!


Oct 12 2011

It’s Official…



We are going to be a family of 5! Yes, we are pregnant with baby #3! Due date is June 21, 2012. Of course with C-sections we get to pick the date…I am thinking 6-18-12 (great math equation!) or Aaron’s pick I think was 6-14-12. We shall see. We like to let them “cook” as long as possible.

The boys are excited…well as excited as they can be. Abel just says “baby, baby.” He doesn’t get it but he will soon enough! Abraham on the other hand understands and says it is his baby brother.  Too cute! We are warning him that it could be a boy or girl, whatever God has decided for us and we are to be happy with either. He usually retorts that he has spoken to God and it is a boy. That is just downright funny! The things he says crack me up!

Anyway, on top of everything else I hit my 80 pound weight loss and what do I do? Go and get pregnant! Geez!

With every pregnancy comes a new obsession…mine…cloth diapering! Yep. More to come on that!

Please pray for a healthy baby and that I will be able to manage both boys, the dogs, the house, and maintain some semblance of sanity through this pregnancy! Thank you!!! Love to you all!

Sep 25 2011

165,000 Feet

165,000 Feet

So this past Friday morning I was supposed to run 20mi, but I just could not get out of bed and was in a bad mood. I overslept a few hours and still couldn’t get going (thank God for second shift work hours!). I know, boo-freaking-hoo. This literally never happens, oh well. So when I finally did get moving I got on my running gear and just tried to keep putting one foot in front of the other and make my way to the kitchen and making preps to get out the door.

I’ve not posted about it, but for the last 3 weeks I’ve been fighting some deep, sharp muscle pain in my right Vastus Medialis (quadriceps muscle just above and inner side of the knee). I even had to cut my 20mi in half 2 weeks ago because at mile 11 the quad muscle told me if I even thought about going another step it was going to make me do a face plant. I had to do the limp of agony/shame 3/4mi home, defeated. This is possibly the subconscious mental block I had on Friday that was preventing me from getting going this morning. Last week I had my first “easy” week since May (a paltry 12mi total). It did the trick as this week my quad was back on track.

So on Friday I got a way late start, which is fine as I avoided the rain. About 2mi into the run I thought, “hey why not add another 6.2mi on and make it a full marathon length run?” I really like to go into a race knowing that I’ve already completed that distance before in training, it just makes it not such a big deal. 11/5 is my marathon and I’ll be beginning my taper here soon so I figured it was do 26.2mi now or not until race day. I at least told myself I’ll take it easy and see how it goes. I certainly do not want to hurt myself this close to a race and would fall back to the original 20mi if needed.

Fast forward to the 6 mile mark, it occurred to me that:

  • You may recall that I have 5 running goals this year, one of them being to run 50K all at once.
  • Saturday 9/24 was my original planned date for a 50K run (31mi, 362 feet) that was cancelled since I have been getting my workout plan from my coach (hired a coach for a season as a birthday present) instead of using my plan.
  • If I wanted to do a 50K before the weather turned mega nasty I should consider doing it today otherwise it will likely be nearly Thanksgiving before I get the chance to do the 50K.

So I went about it in the same manner as at mile 2 when I considered to do 26.2mi. I would take it one mile at a time and see how it goes, if all went well I was going for 50K! (Legal notice, DO NOT TRY ADDING UNPLANNED MILEAGE MIDSTREAM TO ANY WORKOUT WITHOUT PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE OR RISK SERIOUS INJURY)

I am happy to report that I did the full 50K, with a little extra for good measure. End results were 31.25mi/50.3K, and even 2 days later no injuries, not even a blister, hot spot, chafing, sore muscles or even sore feet! I must also say that I had to lean heavily on the Lord for strength to complete; for the amazing weather; and the wisdom to be honest with myself throughout and make determinations on whether I should call it or keep going.

I had some very serious foot cramps hit me at mile 30 that I was afraid if they didn’t go away I was done. I walked it off for a minute or so and was able to get on with it. The beautiful part was how great I felt at the end. And I also have bragging rights to my entry into running Ultramarathon distances. Booya!

So in summary a quick update for my 2011 run goals:

In 2011 here are a few things I will accomplish, God willing:
  1. Complete my 5th half marathon, the Mini, in 2hrs or less. Preferably <1h 48m but this year I’ll take <2hr. Did it in 1h47m 😀
  2. More than double 2010′s mileage goal and step it up to 730mi. Though I only run a max of 3 days each week, that is 2mi x 365 days.
  3. The route may be too dangerous, but if I can do it safely, run from my house to my friend Zach’s house. It will be around 18-20 miles.
  4. Run 50km (31.06mi). All at once.
  5. Run my first full marathon. The Indianapolis Monumental is what I’ve chosen on 11/5.

Sep 9 2011

Full portfolio of pictures!!!!


Check out the shots Melissa from Willow Grove Photography! She did awesome as always! These are available for download and you can print them anywhere. We have the full rights to these pictures. If you want to send me a list of your faves, we might be able to work out a collective order.

Love you all!


Sep 5 2011

December Fun Part 1(12/2010)


Enjoy the photo memories!

We have been working on books are for READING not EATING!

Rolling baby boy!

just look at that face

How could I EVER say no to that face!

Tater's 1st Christmas pictures...I was just having some fun with him in front of the tree

He thought the camera looked tasty

My taters with his momma

LOVE this hat!!!

Ham and Papa just chillin'

His absolutely BEST friend

Going for his favorite...the ears!

And he of course had to TASTE the ear...yuck. Boog is such a good sport!

He is so sweet. I love him.

My sweet boys

Mama with Ham

Big brother helping to show Abel how to play with the new toy

Look at the excitement on that face...we are heading to the bath!

Ok, there are a TON more pictures…I will do a part 2! Good night!

Sep 5 2011

Thanksgiving (11/2010)


Abel’s first Thanksgiving was a blast! We had dinner over at my mom’s and we enjoyed seeing our family. This was the first time many of them got to meet Abel. It was so nice to create new memories. Enjoy the pictures!

So grown up, sniff sniff

My boys!

Playing with Great Uncle David

Ham hanging with Great Uncle David watching the "game"

Having fun with cousins

sleeping baby in the sling

Cousin Nikolas and Uncle Joe

Great Grandma Brown with Taters

Sleeping baby who covers himself up!

Snuggly boy

Sweet little man

As you can see, I have very much to be thankful for. These guys are HUGE blessings to me and I thank God every day for them.

Sep 5 2011

Abel is 6 months! (11/2010)


Here is my cutie! We only got 2 pictures from the milestone but he is still so cute!

See? He is CUTE!

Love this laughing boy!

Aug 30 2011

Look what we did today…

Look what we did today...

These are so awesome, I couldn’t wait to get them up here! Enjoy!!! If any of you are interested, Melissa is AWESOME! I highly recommend her and my recommendations are hard to get so it really means something.



Aug 27 2011

Veteran’s Day Parade (11/2010)

Veteran's Day Parade (11/2010)

We greatly enjoy supporting our veteran’s and look forward to the parade every year.

Aaron with the boys



Me with the boys

sweetie pie

Greatly enjoying the motorcycles

Abel liked watching the parade from mommy's arms (I use the sling to aid my arms)

waving his flag


The family (yes abel is in there too!)

wearing daddy's hat

enjoying the time in the seat!