Oct 16 2011

Second partial day of cloth diapering

Second partial day of cloth diapering

Today was MUCH better! I have already made some adjustments and getting on with the learning curve! We even went to church AND Incredible Pizza company all before we made a stop back home! NO change of pants needed (we had 3 changes yesterday)!!!! It was fabulous! His poop is still gross but the poor kid is teething terribly and I believe causing some diarrhea. I have just absolved to deal with stains and try out some tricks my friends have used.

I have definitely decided for those of you that care….Best Bottom diapers are not for us. They have SO much going for them and I was SO excited but they are just not the right fit. He has horrible red marks all over his chubby thighs. Not a plus in my book. So we are still on the search for the “perfect” diaper!

Oh and why the title says PARTIAL day of cloth diapering is because my mom so graciously took the kids OVERNIGHT tonight (first time for taters – 2nd for hammy)! I did not torture her with cloth diapering. I gave her pampers to use:) That’s the least I can do for someone watching my kiddos!

All in all, I am feeling more and more confident in my decision to go cloth. I have felt this as a call to make this change and maybe God has been leading me for one reason or another. Whatever the case, we are making it work!