Rejoice even in Sorrow


I should be in bed sleeping but my heart is heavy with sadness. I received news today that a family member died. Death is a natural part of life but it is never easy to handle especially when this person was a miracle to begin with…

Morgan was born January 15, 2010. He was 1 of naturally conceived triplets! Highly rare and the parents weren’t trying to have any children. These boys were definitely a gift from God! They were delivered unexpectedly at just about 26 weeks. That is an ENTIRE trimester early. We all prayed and fervently asked for God’s intervention. He answered. The 3 boys survived and thrived. They did finally get to go home I believe in April (just about the time they were “due”). Morgan did suffer much trouble with surgery after surgery. I was not super close to this part of the family so I do not know all of the details but I know that Morgan has spent most of his life in the hospital. But I always prayed for those 3 boys every night. Actually, they were the first entry in my prayer journal that I started this year. These boys are so special. I cannot believe that now one of them is gone. I rejoice knowing he is with Jesus and his body is no longer suffering but the loss is still hard to handle especially when I think that Morgan was just about where Abel is now. Due to Morgan’s immaturity at birth, he would only be just now considered around 4 to 5 months old instead of nearly 9 months. I thank Jesus for the time he was here with his family and how many lives he touched and will continue to touch even in death. I cannot begin to understand the pain the parents must feel; I would be devastated and lost. I know my children are on loan but I must admit, I wouldn’t give them back easily. Plus, his 2 brothers…what a constant reminder. I guess that is actually good. Morgan will never be forgotten. I have heard from another grieving parent that the idea their child will be forgotten is the worst. Sharing memories about the lost loved one is a wonderful way to honor them. I hope I am doing my small part by writing up this blog post about a very special little boy who is now with Jesus and fighting no more. He is in Heaven looking down at all of us with his new body. I rejoice knowing I will get to meet him some day!

Lord, I ask for you to give us all peace during this time of sorrow. I ask that you will help us to rejoice in knowing that Morgan is safe in your arms and that we will see him again. I ask that while we hurt now that you would send a veil of peace to help us to look forward to our reunion and not dwell on the loss. Lord, you are ever powerful as you are the Creator. You knew when he would be born and when he would go home. I humbly ask that you carry us all through this time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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