Nov 4 2011

Taking things for granted…

Taking things for granted...

Do you ever do that? Take things for granted? I sure do. I don’t ever realize I do it until something….breaks.

Tonight after a fun day downtown getting ready for Aaron’s race tomorrow. I switch out loads of laundry (my never ending chore) and go about the evening. I get dinner done, watch a quick episode of Busytown Mysteries, baths, story time, and finally bed time. I go downstairs fully ready to switch out more laundry and prepare for tomorrow’s big day. As I head down the stairs, I realize I hear my dryer going. I think to myself, “hmm, that’s odd. Wonder if Aaron switched loads for me.” Unfortunately, that was not the case. I check the dryer setting and it has barely moved! It has been running for at least 4 hours at this point. I open up the dryer and find a big damp pile of towels. No heat whatsoever. I run through the dials praying for a oops on my part, try it again but still no heat. I say a quick prayer because I have to tell Aaron. I have 2 loads of wet towels and diapers to still wash (at least those can hang to dry). This can’t wait until after the race tomorrow. I grudgingly climb the stairs part way and say “you won’t believe this” to which Aaron retorts “what?” Then I drop the proverbial bomb on him. Our dryer isn’t heating. He took it surprisingly well and we went about a quick troubleshooting. I got out the manual, he searched the web. We met in the laundry room and gave it a good 30 minutes. No change. Still no heat. So I now have 2 loads STUFFED into my dryer and they will just tumble until they get dry with just air blowing. My diapers are washing now and I will hang them up in a bit. Of course I still have much more laundry to do but that will have to wait until we figure out what we are going to do. I have been wanting a new dryer…hmmm. Don’t know if that is quite in the budget right now.

Moral of the story: Don’t take things for granted! Thank God every single night for EVERYTHING you have and even the things you don’t have because He teaches you to appreciate it all!