That didn’t take long…


After 3 visits back to the church nursery, Abraham and I both have the sniffles. Poor little dude has it a bit worse than I for now. I seriously hope I don’t get really sick.

I know this is Satan ripping us away from the church because now we won’t be able to go this Sunday because we won’t be “those parents” (you know those parents that still take their sick kids to church and put them in the nursery to infect everyone else). And we most likely won’t return to church until after the weather changes because we can’t afford to be sick; not just financially, but emotionally and physically! It really drains all of us when we have an illness. What kills me is that I do not keep my son in a bubble. We go out to the store and he interacts with other people (mom’s group functions) and it is not like my house is perfectly germ free. But yet, the minute we go to church, we get sick.

We have such disdain for illness that we will change our lives to avoid it and that stinks. But I guess that is the life we have now with kids. Maybe once the last one turns 5 this won’t be such an issue anymore!!!

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