Happy 6-month Birthday!


Happy 6 months Abraham! I honestly can’t believe he has been with us for 6 months. Time is flying. I am going to blink and he will be a year! It has been an enjoyable ride thus far and we have experienced so many things! Abraham’s personality is definitely starting to come through. He is his own man. He tells you what he wants and when he wants it and LOVES play time with Mommy and Daddy, and of course, he gets lots of it!

Abraham had his 6-month checkup on Thursday this week. He weighed in at 19 pounds 8 ounces, 27 1/4 inches long, and 17 1/4 inches in head circumference! What a BIG Boy! He is growing like a weed:) The doctor says he is growing great and is still maintaining a 75th percentile rating (meaning he is near the top of the class but there are still some kids bigger).

As you can see, Abraham eats solid food with gusto! Not only does he eat well, he likes to help his mommy and daddy feed him:) If we give him the spoon without food he always hits his mouth! This kid absolutely loves his cereal (rice, barley and oatmeal) along with now carrots and squash! Now, I have a kinda funny story about Abraham’s first vegetable experience.

I had prepared some cereal like always and unbenounced to Abraham, he was also going to get carrots:) So, I get things organized (bib, food, camera) and we get ready to start. Aaron comes down with the video camera (and boy was I glad he did!) Abraham did NOT like the first bite of carrots. He didn’t like to whole idea of them at all. He made some of the funniest faces! I think I laughed the whole time! But, even with his disdain for the carrots, the little man ate them until he finally gagged. Poor kid. I was at least partnering his carrot experience with some good old fashion rice cereal:) Now, what is really funny is that I was able to feed him carrots again at lunch and dinner and without really any problem and now 6 days later, he isn’t phased in the slightest. I think it was just such a shock in flavor that he didn’t know what to do. But now he gobbles up carrots and squash! Next on the menu will be sweet potatoes (yuck) but hopefully he likes them!

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