What’s been happening you ask?

What's been happening you ask?

Let me tell you….

I am 13 weeks and 1 day along with baby #3 and it has been a doozy of a 1st trimester. First we had the progesterone issue and that was resolved by my 12th week. Only to then find out that I had been exposed to 5th disease which was confirmed to have terminated another pregnancy that was just a couple of weeks behind me. Sigh. I called the doc and had to have blood work done on Monday. Did that. Then Tuesday night, I woke up in pain (ghost gallbladder pain) and finally after 2 hours or so of writhing I ended up vomiting most violently. The pain didn’t stop. It writhed in bed for another 4 or 5 hours. Called my OB, he said see your PCP. My PCP said go to the ER. After I managed to get my body to the shower, I just sat in the warm water and tried to actually shower. Did the best I could until the vomiting took over again. There was nothing but water in my system by this point and the heaves wouldn’t stop. It was horrible. I literally prayed for God to take it away because it hurt so much. Thankfully He listened and took away my heaves. I finished my shower and dressed to go to the ER. I got to the ER at around 11 am (my sweet family took me) and I got right in (THANK GOD!). I had no fever, no high blood pressure, no other symptoms other than extreme epigastric pain and vomiting. They get an IV started but no fluids are started. I explain over and over that I am 13 weeks pregnant and please help me keep from vomiting and stop the pain. They give me something for the nausea but we hold out on pain meds for a short bit as they want to run some blood work. All labs come back normal. No liver issues, no pancreatitis, nothing. That is of course good and bad. I finally get something for the pain and the nurse even made a curious comment about how she had never seen such a low dose prescribed. She hoped it would do something for me. She did give me another dose of anti-nausea medication as the pain meds could make me sick. Within 90 seconds of getting the pain meds, I was vomiting again. Thankfully I had a basin nearby in my room. I started to get a headache and asked for fluids to get started. The nurse came back with some saline and thankfully I felt much better within about an hour. Then comes time for discharge because they really can’t run any more tests as I am pregnant. Time will just have to sort this out. It is 4 pm and I am getting prepped to leave. I don’t feel good at all but I assume it is because I am extremely sore from the violent vomiting. Turns out…nope. I got home and was actually running a temp of 102! Figures. I get some Tylenol in me and pass out at home in bed. The next thing I remember is that my fever was gone around 5 am Thursday morning. Yeah! I was ridiculously sore but felt much better. Later that morning I got word from my OB that all tests for 5th disease were NEGATIVE!!! Yeah!!! Have to do a recheck in 2 weeks but all looks great! Praise Jesus!

So now I am back to my good ol’ self today (still a bit sore) and pizza sounded AMAZING since I haven’t eaten since Tuesday and I ate my entire half! (highly unusual might I add). And it tasted SOOOO GOOD!!!

But that is what has been happening in my world for the last week…hope yours hasn’t been so icky!

**quick explanation of “ghost gallbladder pain.” I had my gallbladder removed in 9-06. The pain and suffering I went through for the 6 years leading up to the discovery of a diseased gallbladder is what I have been experiencing all over again with this pregnancy. I will eat something that will create such intense pain that it will eventually cause me to vomit. This has been the first episode of vomiting since the start of the pregnancy but not the first episode of intense pain. Since I have no gallbladder hence the term “ghost gallbladder.”

2 Responses to “What’s been happening you ask?”

  • Lindsey Says:

    What a week! That sounds terrible. I’m glad that you are feeling better.

  • Gretchen Says:

    Oh my – that is awful. I have a gallstone right now and have to have mine removed eventually but I do know the pain of a gallstone. I had to go to the ER about 5 weeks ago. They recommend me getting it out but not until after the baby is born. So I am being more careful to not eat greasy food and such. We need to talk gallbladders soon.

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