2 more days


I am keeping very busy getting last minute things done before I head off to the hospital. The house has been cleaned on the first floor and the 2nd floor will be dealt with tomorrow. I have my bag mostly packed and I think I feel ready for this baby.

I am SO thankful that my most recent ailment did NOT kick in until now. My uterus has gotten so large that my sciatic nerve is going haywire. I really have a hard time bending to pick something up. The bending isn’t the problem, it is getting back up! I have been “stuck” more than once and the pain is excruciating. This will all be over very soon!

I know that I am very excited about meeting our newest member but so is Aaron. I am so thankful to have such a wonderfully supportive husband who has done SO much for me during this pregnancy. I haven’t had to bathe Abraham in days because Aaron has been doing it! It has been such a blessing to have him home and help with everything. All of his time has been eaten up by chores or just helping me with my chores and Abraham. I know that I will never be able to repay him for all he has done for me.

Abraham still doesn’t really get it that we are bringing a baby home soon. His innocence is so precious. Yes he knows Mommy has a baby in her belly and he will acknowledge that it is even Abel. He has liked seeing all the “baby” things come back from the basement but again, it doesn’t really make any sense to him other than we are moving stuff around. It will be interesting to see how he responds. I think he will do great. He loves other babies that he comes in contact with. I just hope the jealously factor won’t be major. I also am praying for extreme patience with myself as well as both boys during this transition. I know it won’t be easy going on so little sleep and keeping this house running without losing my mind. Phillipians 4:13 runs through my mind when I think of this: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I will just submit to His will and go with the flow. These days are so precious when you have little ones because you blink and they turn 2! Yes, I am already having to think about planning Abraham’s 2nd birthday party. I am in complete disbelief. Not to mention my husband’s birthday is just around the corner too….geez, why did I plan on having this new guy in late May? That’s okay. I have already broached the subject about doing this AGAIN with Aaron. We talked about a July 2012 baby but I think I want 4 kids before I am 35 (I am currently 32). So I mentioned that maybe an October 2011 baby would be possible. Aaron seemed open to the idea! We will just see what God has in store for us:)

Anyway I will update you on the “family” day we are having on Wednesday. I am looking so forward to spending the day with my guys. I love them so much and I know that God will show me many wonderful things while we are together. I am very thankful to have all of these loving men in my life!

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