Happy 7-Month Birthday!


Good heavens is it really 7 months already? I am noticing that time is slipping quicker and quicker away. I have said it before and I will say it again, Abraham is going to be a year old before I know it!

It has been some time since I have posted. I have been busy trying to get caught up on life and slowly realizing that will never happen.

We have been enduring quite an ordeal with our house as of late. We have had a leak into the basement for as long as we have lived here and FINALLY our builder is getting it fixed and fixed right! The downside to this is that I have lost my living room. It has become a bubble room with the carpet ripped up, drywall missing and we even had our windows missing for a couple nights! That was NO fun! Besides rain and cold, the noise and security risk REALLY bothered me, but that is now all over – well, at least the windows are back in! They are still finding more and more rotting, molding wood, so they keep on working. Abraham has done great through it all. He hasn’t really noticed or cared. All the noise hasn’t even bothered his sleep during nap time. Woohoo!

Today we had to go see the doctor because poor Abraham has been dealing with a rash for some time now. We haven’t been able to quite figure out what is causing it. It really just looks like dry skin but NOTHING makes it better. The doctor agreed with me and said it was eczema (really bad) so we have to use “drastic” measures. We are to use a steroid cream and antihistamines to treat the skin. Poor kid inherited my skin condition. I really have crazy skin that is dry, dry, dry and then lotion sometimes makes it better or the weather breaks and my skin gets a break, but mostly, I just have dry, itchy skin. This was not something I wished for Abraham to inherit. Well, we did get a few new stats. He weighed in at a lofty 21.1 pounds! Holy Cow! That boy is getting bigger by the minute! And the doctor is always so glad to see this happy boy. We were even told that Abraham “made his day!” Of course, Abraham makes my day every day.

New developments in this sweet little man’s life are just growing by leaps and bounds. He is absolutely in love with his Excersaucer. He even understands the command “Go Crazy” while in it! Check out the video with this link! Go Crazy

He also is sitting up all by himself with only occasional “throw backs.” He is starting to greatly enjoy toy time. Not that he didn’t enjoy it before, but now it is just amazing to watch him manipulate the toys and figure out how they work. It really is fascinating to watch.

He is also enjoying eating! Not that it isn’t evident from his “healthy” build! He enjoys all kinds of food! He is definitely NOT a picky eater! Let’s see, he is eating carrots, sweet potatoes, barley cereal, rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, prunes, apples, peaches, green beans and sweet peas. We have even started self-feeding! He is enjoying his “puffs” even though he hasn’t quite mastered them making it to his mouth but mommy helps. We also found a “sippy” cup that works out beautifully. I bought one type before that had 2 handles and a “nipple-like” top but he didn’t really take to it. He really likes “straw-like” cups. He is always trying to get our water bottles so I tried something like that. He has taken to this new sippy cup like fish to water! He just loves it! I will have to post a picture up soon but they are all on my phone and Aaron’s phone. I have none on the camera!

Just another small wonderful advancement in this little man’s life is that he genuinely enjoys our company. He just laughs up a storm when you play with him. It is the best thing ever to hear that giggle and laugh. He loves to be tickled! He is just a happy guy!

Oh yeah! Abraham and the dogs are becoming quite the best buds. Well, at least Arugula is really taking a liking to him!

Until next time…


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