Free Gift

We all love free gifts don’t we? Well I have the best free gift ever to share with you!!! The gift of Salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ!

Let me tell you a little story…I wasn’t always a child of God. I didn’t believe in our Lord. As a matter of fact, I was angry at God. I did believe that there was “something” out there and I was pretty mad at “whatever.” Well those angry teenage years turned into angry young adult years. I knew what was best for me and I really didn’t care who got hurt along the way. Thankfully, God never gave up on me. He surrounded me with the most persistent and annoying people EVER! They accepted me and all my faults and really wanted to show me “the way.” I was intrigued at their beliefs and at how strongly they held on to them even when up against ME. I would bash and banter and come up with a million different ways to “trip” them up but they held firm in their faith. I was truly impressed. That was the beginning of the softening of my very hard heart. God was gently reaching me through these amazing people (one person in particular). I had knee surgery and was stuck in bed for awhile so my friend took this opportunity to really lay it all out for me. She was so kind and compassionate and if I asked a question she couldn’t answer she wrote it down to get back to me! She was amazing! That was definitely a huge turning point for me. I then entered adult accelerated college via the Army (I married an Army guy). It was a Christian college and New Testament Studies or something like that was required. I HAD to sit through a class about Jesus. I must tell you I was armed and ready to fire back my anti-Christian beliefs. But something unbelievably amazing happened. I listened and my friend’s voice echoed in my head. The Truth was literally right there in front of me and all I had to do was say Yes. I did some serious soul searching and prayed the prayer. The prayer of non-believers truly changing their heart and accepting the wonderful and beautiful gift of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is rather simple and that is why I had SUCH a hard time with it.

Here are the basics:

Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden. (Gen 3:6)

Sin now ran crazy through the world (and still does today).

Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. God’s only Son. (Luke 1:31)

Jesus lived a perfect life. (Luke 23:4,40,41; John 8:45,46; 2 Corinthians 5:2)

Jesus CHOSE to give his life and take the punishment for ALL of us for our sin. (John 10:18)

(this is where is gets really cool!)

Jesus DIED. Yes. Died. (Mark 15:39)

Three days later, he ROSE AGAIN! He conquered death! He conquered sin! (Acts 10:40)

Jesus lives in Heaven today preparing a place for you and me!!! We get the amazing privilege of rejoining God in Heaven! How awesome is that???? (Mark 16:19)

All you have to do is pray to God acknowledging that you are in fact a sinner (Romans 3:23) and ask for forgiveness of those sins and ask for Jesus to be your Savior!

I told you it was the best free gift EVER!!!!