Oct 19 2011

I would make a terrible serious drama actress


I came to this realization this morning while working out with my little munchkin playing away in his corral. I have a vice, I must watch TV while exercising in the basement. No way around it. I can’t stare at walls and be motivated. 24 has been my latest obsession. LOVE that series! Anyway, so I am watching the show, giggling at taters now and again and I realize that they NEVER smile or laugh in that show! I know it is a serious kinda show but NEVER smile or laugh? Really? I just burst out laughing at the sheer thought of me even applying for such a job! I am, by nature, a GOOFBALL. I would never make it and you know what….THAT IS OKAY BY ME! I love to laugh and smile and just plain enjoy every single day (even when it rains and rains and rains and the sun decides NOT to say hello).  I just thought I would share that bit of hilarious randomness from my brain! (of course it was hilarious to me and well, taters cuz he laughed with me!)

On another note, cloth diapering is AWESOME!!! Once you let go of a couple reservations, life is SO much easier! The only regret I have is NOT DOING IT SOONER! AAARRGGHH!  I got a Rumparooz and Bumgenius 4.0 pocket diaper in the mail today! Washed them, dried them and can’t wait to test them out tomorrow! For those of you who do CD, have you noticed it can be a bit of an obsession? All the different brands, different styles, etc…I sometimes just want to buy them all!!! Then of course that would negate my savings from disposables…ah, I digress.

My kiddos are about the most precious things EVER. Of course, we feel that way about our own children. I have done quite a bit of soul-searching over the past few days and really feel that God has been calling me to step back into my role as a homemaker. I felt pulled to help out at church, attend BSF, get all of our shopping accomplished, get the kids to the library once or twice a week, run here, run there…it was just getting crazy! School went to the back burner not to mention my house and everyone in it. I missed playing with my boys and just being home. It worked out that we all started feeling kinda puny on Monday and we have been home ALL week (except for a small trip today to the library and bank). It has been awesome! I have made meals INCLUDING homemade breads, played with my boys, cleaned until my heart could clean no more, kept up on my email, read countless stories to the boys, actually did SCHOOL work, read my OWN book, exercised twice so far, have the laundry COMPLETELY caught up, the list could go on! I am really excited about this! But you want to know what the absolute BEST part of all of this has been? Abraham and Abel’s reaction. They are randomly coming up and hugging on me, blowing me kisses from afar, bringing me a book or two for a quick read, playing wonderfully during independent play time, helping me COOK, just all around MUCH happier and better behaved kids. It is pretty amazing. I feel bad that I have been so distant/torn/run ragged that I have missed this. I am thankful that God moved my heart and helped me to find this. It is truly making our life so much more worth living!